Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

Shortly after we first got Maxxamillion we decided we were not going to leave him behind anymore after one bad experience with a pet-sitter. We did not want to put him in an airplane either because of the high risk of death. So we decided to take our vacations by auto. Problem was twelve years ago there wasn't as much information on traveling with your dog as there is today. Back then we would route our trip and then start calling hotels to see which ones accepted dogs. A lot of hotels accept dogs under a certain weight like fifty pounds, problem was Maxxamillion was over 100 pounds of love. Some hotels would charge us extra for his stay because of the weight, but it was worth every penny! Having him with us gave us peace of mind and we were able to enjoy our vacations without worries. Paw Here For Article

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