Choosing a Pet Sitter For Your Dog
By: Diana Romaxx
Many dog owners today like the idea of hiring a pet sitter to take care of their dog while they go away, but then you'll have to decide--is pet sitting right for you? The pet gets to stay home in their natural environment, and the owner doesn’t have to travel back and forth to the kennel. However, having a stranger in your house can be a little weird—for both you and your dog. So be sure to choose your pet sitter wisely.
Pet sitting has become a booming business these days. Many people decide for one reason or another that they want to go into the pet sitting business. However, once they find out all the work it involves they become disillusioned. Bottom line—you want to find someone who has been doing this for a long time.
There are ads for pet sitters everywhere these days. In the phone book, on the internet, and posted on bulletin boards in pet stores. Ask your friends, family, co-workers and your vet for some references.
You will definitely want to interview some pet sitters (in your home and in person) before hiring anyone. It is especially important for your pet to meet any potential pet sitters in their home environment.
Ask the pet sitter why you should hire them. They will probably say, “Oh, because I just LOVE animals!!” This is fine. But my three year old nephew also loves animals. I doubt you’d trust him to take care of your dog.
You want to know what kind of experience this person has with animals. Do they know how to recognize signs of illness? Do they know what to do in case of an emergency? Loving animals is an important quality but it takes more skills than that.
Get a list of references and contact other people that have used the pet sitter you are considering. Also make sure the pet sitter is insured and bonded. This protects you and your home against any potential damage or theft while you are away. Anyone you hire needs to be a member of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters.
There are many companies that have several pet sitters on staff. Make sure you and your dog meet the person who actually will be coming to your house. When you get prices make sure you know what’s included. How many visits will your dog receive a day? Does that include walks, playtime, dispensing medications, getting the mail, etc.? There are even pet sitters that stay in your house overnight while you are away.
Finding a dependable pet sitter you can trust your dog to can be very comforting. That way you know both your home and your dog are in good hands. For peace of mind, be wise and do your home work!
Link: National Association of Professional Pet Sitters
About Author:
Diana Romaxx Maxxamillion's Dog House
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