Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Autumn Time In Chicago

The season change is upon us and this begins Maxxamillion's favorite time of the year, fall and winter.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Why Not To Shave Your Dog In The Summer

Being a long hair dog Maxxamillion is not a big fan of summer heat, but he never gets shaved. Instead we cut his hair shorter on the bottom part of his body. The ASPCA has A great article "Heat Wave! Should You Shave Your Pet?"Paw on link to read full article. Have a fun and safe summer with your furry friends. Love Maxxamillion

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Almost Summer in Chicago

Maxxamillion staying cool on a hot day in Chicago.

New Dog Flu Test

This is a great article on the strain of dog flu effecting the Chicago Land. New Dog Flu Test from IDEXX Targets New Strain Paw Here for full story